How to Set Up A Mobile Office

Working in paradise is finally a possibility
Break out of the same boring daily office routine. Now the parking area of your favorite scenic spot is the perfect place to work.
Let the beauty of nature inspire you. Be the envy of your friends and tell them of your new exotic mobile office.
Better yet . . . keep your mobile office a secret. Remember the woman in the Fed Ex commercial who works from home in her pajamas and bunny slippers? You can do even better by putting on your favorite comfy clothes and driving to your favorite locale to work.
To prepare for working from your mobile office, make a checklist of the things you will need. For each person the requirements can vary. Here are some possibilities:
- Wheeldesk Mobile Desk
- Cell Phone
- Laptop Computer
- Internet Card or Wi-FiHot Spot
- Cigarette Lighter Power Supply
- Pen, Paper, Stapler and Other Office Supplies
- Paperwork
- Reading Materials
- Call Forwarding
- Coffee and a snack
Life is short. Our Wheeldesk Mobile Desk gives you the freedom to work where you love. Working in paradise is finally a possibility so expand your horizons. Make sure you find a safe and secure location to park your vehicle and enjoy the day!!